The Viral TikTok Video That Will End Your Menstrual Cramps

Woman Suffering from menstrual cramps
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

This one goes out to those of us with two X chromosomes. If you’re a woman, it’s highly unlikely you’ve never experienced that horrible pain in your stomach that is one of the joyous treats of getting your period. The pain can be light and pass quickly if you’re lucky, and completely debilitating if you’re not. But here’s a life hack that is bound to spark your interest: it turns out that you might not need a ton of painkillers to make it go away! 

According to lessiamac’s viral TikTok video, there’s a super simple trick you can try to reduce, or even eliminate entirely your menstrual cramps. It sounds too good to be true, but the comment section begs to differ! Numerous women have commented with tear emojis saying that it worked like magic.

@lessiamac Idk how, but it really works!! Try this!! #reducepain #periodpain #menstrualcramps #reduce #lifehacks #bestlifehack #forwomenonly ♬ Ultimate life hacks – Kelly – The Life Bath

So, how does it work?

The 15-seconds video simply shows a woman massaging a specific point in her ear with no other than the eraser-tip of a regular pencil. According to the video, you’re supposed to massage one ear for about a minute, then do the same in the other ear.

Don’t forget to try this next time you get period cramps.