If You Feel Tired Frequently, The Solution Might Be in Your Gut

Photo by Travis Yewell on Unsplash

If you’re someone who gets 8 hours of sleep but still feels tired all of the time, chances are you are frustrated and confused. You may be surprised to find out that feeling fatigued may have nothing to with the amount or quality of sleep you’re getting; it may be your gut that’s affecting your sleep.

When your gut isn’t running properly or doesn’t have a diverse amount of microbes, your body can suffer. This is because your gut is the center for your body; it’s the place where your food gets digested and the nutrients from the foods you eat are absorbed. But when your gut isn’t at it’s best, those nutrients can’t be absorbed, which causes your immune system and other systems to not work properly.

Next time you go to reach for an energy drink or a cup of coffee, grab some foods loaded in probiotics or plant-based foods.
